31 Types of Wrenches & Their Uses [with Pictures]
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What is Wrench?
Types of Wrenches & Their Uses [with Pictures] :- A wrench is also termed as a spanner tool which is used to provide grip as well as mechanical advantage while applying torque to turn the objects. These are the mechanical devices which are used for turning the objects. There are various types of wrenches which are discussed in detail below. Scroll down to know more.
31 Different Types of Wrenches
1. Socket Wrench: ( Types of Wrenches )
The socket wrench is also termed ass a ratchet which uses a ratcheting mechanism in order to allow quick tightening or loosening the nuts or bolts without removing the wrench from the fastener. This is the type of wrench which is available with some of the most common sizes like 1/4″, 3/8″, 1/2″, and 1″ drives amongst which you can fit the most appropriate size of socket depending upon the requirement of your site.
In case there is any obstacle found during turning the handle, then you can immediately reverse the course in order to save the object from being damaged and to continue working.
2. Pipe Wrench: ( Types of Wrenches )
Pipe wrench is referred to as that spanner which is used to fasten or dismantle any type of pipes and their fittings. The jaw of this type of mechanical devices is made up of forging tough steel. Its movable jaws are found having flat threads which are cut and on its fixed jaw, the plate is joined with a groove which is present inside it.
A knurled round nut is also installed in this type of groove. By revolving this nut, the movable jaw either increases or reduces the size by movement either upwards or downwards. Here, a spring is also fixed within the fixed and movable jaw in order to give a proper grip of the job. The pipe wrenches are usually found in the sizes 6”, 9” and 18”.
3. Ratcheting Wrench: ( Types of Wrenches )
The ratcheting wrench is found to be quite similar to the combination wrench. This wrench has at least one end inside which is a ratcheting device and allows the user to turn the wrench in order to tighten or loosen without removing or adjusting the position of the wrench handle hits an obstacle after each turn. This feature helps in easy working in the areas with less space.
4. Chain Wrench: ( Types of Wrenches )
Chain wrenches are used in order to fasten or dismantle the pipes or round jobs which are mostly of the larger diameter. Whenever the job is held in the wrench it gets revolved easily. Making of a chain wrench includes of a plate which has cuts in its mouth and is then installed and joined with a rivet. The chain drips is used to make the job very strongly.
5. Torque Wrench: ( Types of Wrenches )
Torque wrenches are the types of wrenches which are manufactured to give a certain amount of torque without overtaking or tightening. This wrenches are used for any automotive work for tightening the wheel lug nuts. A torque wrench can also be used on bicycles, farming equipment or any other site where there is a requirement of tightening the nut or bolt to a particular torque specification which is usually determined by the manufacturer.
6. Oil Filter Wrench: ( Types of Wrenches )
The oil filter wrench is referred to as that which is actually of four different styles and is used primarily in the automotive industry. The chain strap along with the metal strap style filters apply a loop in order to protect the filter casing. There are socket-style filter wrenches which resemble with a cup and consists of chopped parts. These wrenches fit under a filter cap which are used with a ratchet handle.
7. Combination Wrench: ( Types of Wrenches )
The combination wrench is referred to as those which consists of a closed-loop at one end for hexagonal or square nuts and an open U-shape loop at the other end. These types of wrenches are usually used for hard nuts in order to quickly finish the job. Sockets can be one example of a combination wrench which is mostly sold in a kind of wrench sizes.
8. Adjustable Wrench: ( Types of Wrenches )
Adjustable wrenches are the ones which are found having an open end accompanied with a spiral screw which is fixed and opens or closes the crescent one the user turns it. Adjustable wrenches are one of the most common types of wrenches which are easily available in the market and also used by most of the workers. These types of wrenches are also termed as a crescent wrench as it can perform the same basic function as a whole set of combinations or open-ended wrench, but it needs more area as it is found to have bigger size.
9. Impact Wrench: ( Types of Wrenches )
The impact wrench is referred to as that wrench which uses an air compressor while the cordless impact wrench utilizes the rechargeable battery. This type of wrench are also termed as an air wrench or air gun which is used for resembling a cordless drill.
This wrenches are the ones which uses a high torque in order to remove stubborn nuts or bolts. These devices are a great option for handling many nuts whereas they are a bad selection for any job which requires high accuracy.
10. Crowfoot Wrench: ( Types of Wrenches )
Crowfoot wrenches are referred to as those wrenches which do not have handles and are therefore termed as open-wrench. The single head is built which can be attached to a ratchet handle or any socket extension which can allow it to fit in really tight positions.
In case the user does not wish to remove the surrounding parts, they can do a lot of work in handling the bolts which are located deep on the body of the machine.
11. Pedal Wrench: ( Types of Wrenches )
The pedal wrench is referred to as the wrench which consists of a round tip, usually with one or two U-shaped recesses. These types of wrenches are usually used in the repairing work of the pedal. So, these are most commonly used in bicycle repair shops or a pedal boat.
12. Monkey Wrench: ( Types of Wrenches )
Monkey wrenches are quite similar to an adjustable spanner. The difference is that these wrenches are found having bigger jaw which is built with a handle itself. The other jaw is found to be movable on which the threads are cut as that in the pipe wrenches. The jaw of such plain surfaces is similar to that of an open-end spanner. These wrenches can be adjusted along with a round nut which is also used as a screw wrench.
13. Pliers Wrench: ( Types of Wrenches )
A plier wrench is referred to as the one which consists of flat-edged jaws and are at an angle which is attached to a handle and is joined by a bolt. A bolt slide within two or more positions of an opening on the upper jaw, provides the wrench which needs to be arranged in order to fit in various sizes of heads. The name of this type of wrenches is evolved from the way this tool is gripped and is quite similar to that of a pair of pliers.
14. Strap Wrench: ( Types of Wrenches )
Strap wrenches are used whenever there is need for holding pipes or any round object. This is the reason these wrenches are used whenever there is any damage caused. There is a leather or canvas belt which is provided and is rolled around the job and tightened with the buckle. Other than this there is a handle with the help of which the pipe is revolved.
15. Plumbers Wrench: ( Types of Wrenches )
Plumber wrenches are quite similar in the design of the plier’s wrench. The jaws of the plumber wrench are shaped like that of a hexagonal nut which are adaptable to fit various types of pipe fittings. These types of wrenches are particularly used in the plumbing work on pipes and fixtures.
16. Tap Wrench: ( Types of Wrenches )
The tap wrench is referred to as a wrench which is similar to a key that fits the square drive of the tap and is used to cut the female thread like the inner portion of the nut. These are the wrenches which can be T-shaped or can have a double-handle bar with an attachment socket in the middle.
17. Spud Wrench: ( Types of Wrenches )
The spud wrench are referred to as those wrenches which has fallen out of common use at the opposing end used to line the holes on the pipes. It has since been rendered obsolete by the plumber’s wrench which can also be found in the occasional toolbox.
18. Alligator Wrench: ( Types of Wrenches )
An alligator wrench is referred to as that wrench which is found having a serrated top jaw, whereas the rear is smooth. The alligator wrench was mostly identified due to the way it gripped the nuts.
The handle of an alligator wrench is quite similar to a pointed fang than a modern pipe wrench because most of these were primarily manufactured in order to handle square-shaped heads, whereas now it has become rare to see them in the real life.
19. Basin Wrench: ( Types of Wrenches )
Basin wrench is a type of wrench which consists of a long T-shaped handle in a curve along with a serrated jaw. The main purpose of these types of wrenches is to tighten or loosen the heads under the sink and toilet. These wrenches are consequently also termed as faucet wrench.
20. Armorer’s Wrench: ( Types of Wrenches )
An armorer’s wrench is referred to as a single-piece wrench which consists of a C-shaped, serrated head and involves a square slot or a hole in order to attach the ratchet handle. These type of wrenches are available in various designs and are usually of the specific type or size of the model. The main purpose of an armorer wrench is for gun repairing and its maintenance.
21. Dog Bone Wrench: ( Types of Wrenches )
Dog bone wrenches are the wrenches which have two box-shaped ends with a different socket size. This wrench was named in such type due to its bone-shaped appearance, which was sometimes also termed as the dumb-bell wrench.
These types of wrenches are only used in the case of bike maintenance, although their ability to fit in the small spaces sometimes makes them quite useful. There are some dog bone wrenches which are found having swivel heads that serve greater flexibility.
22. Drum Key Wrench: ( Types of Wrenches )
A drum key is the type of wrench which is also termed as square-holly socket wrench and consists of T-shape along with a flattened handle.
According to the name, these are the types of wrenches which are mostly used to tune various percussion instruments like drum. It is important to know that a drum key with longer handles provides the user to apply more torque as compared to the shorter handles.
23. Bung Wrench: ( Types of Wrench )
A bung wrench is referred to as a wrench which is similar to a socket-style wrench and is available in a variety of styles. These types of wrenches are quite similar to drum plug wrench. These are the types of wrenches which are specifically manufactured in order to eliminate the plastic or metal dung on a drum or barrel.
24. Fan Clutch Wrench: ( Types of Wrench )
Flat clutch wrenches are referred to as those wrenches which consists of a U-shaped opening at one end. These types of wrenches are specially designed to remove fan clutches from the cars.
At the other end of such wrenches there is a square opening which is useful in providing them double efficiency as a clutch hold tool, whereas a second wrench is used to turn the hex nut.
25. Cone Wrench: ( Types of Wrench )
Cone wrenches are referred to as the wrenches which are found to be wide and flat and are used on the conical parts of a cup and cone hub. These types of wrenches are used to accommodate the levelling feet of a bicycle or washing machine whereas it is sometimes used on the other gentle projects where a typical open-ended wrench is found to be quite thick.
26. Hammer Wrench: ( Types of Wrench )
A hammer wrench is a short and thick wrench which is found having a block end and is used to strike along with a hammer in order to transmit a greater amount of force. These types of wrenches are also termed as striking wrenches and are used to tighten almost all the large flange fittings and fasteners. A hammer wrench is also used to free the rusted nuts and bolts by applying higher amount of force. These types of wrenches are therefore termed as heavy-duty wrenches which are used in some metal, plumbing or electrical jobs.
27. Torx Wrench: ( Types of Wrench )
The Torx key wrenches are referred to as those wrenches which are manufactured to fit into the star-shaped head of any type of bolts and screws. These are also known as a star-headed key and can be bought in the same L-shape and the user can also buy these in a laid-back set which resembles in shape as a Swiss Army knife than a wrench set.
28. Garbage Disposal Wrench: ( Types of Wrench )
There are various models which are found with a larger type of Allen wrench and are used to remove the clogs. Therefore, here comes the need of a garbage disposal wrench which is used to execute such missions without any inconvenience. There are two types of wrench which are commonly used for the clogged waste disposal.
In order to handle larger nuts there are various other types of flat wrenches with a squat, and U-shaped pivoted head. These are also used to dislike the clogs in cutter variants which is exactly similar to the Allen variants.
29. Spoke Wrench: ( Types of Wrench )
The spoke wrench is referred to as that wrench which is observed to be small in size. These are the type of wrenches which are designed in order to maintain the spokes on the wire wheels. These wrenches are found having two different ends wherein one end consists of a slot which fits around the spoke whereas the other end has a drive head that fits around the nipple nut.
The spoke wrench can be rotated in a complete cycle even without removing it, with respect to its size and shape. The perfect place where these types of tools can be found is a bike repair shop. There are some changes which are quite similar to a small open wrench whereas on the other hand there are some which look more like curved as well as flat metal.
30. Tension Wrench: ( Types of Wrench )
A tension wrench is referred to as the key element in the lock and is found to be available in a very broad range of designs. These types of wrenches can be either hard or soft and can also be used to apply tension whereas the pick keeps on doing its job.
31. Spanner Wrench: ( Types of Wrench )
The spanner wrench is referred to as that wrench which is a sort of special and specific class of equipment which is found having a curved end which can easily resemble either a hook or C-shape.
Mostly these types of wrenches are found consisting of pins which permits them to be used on either a wide variety of objects that vary from spanner head screws to the retainer rings. The spanner wrench is a hand-held tool which is widely used to provide grip and to either tighten or loosen the fasteners.